Shortlisted 2016




Lead Agency



The Challenge

“Innovators Race” follows an Indian television program dedicated to the “Super Techies Show” technology – , initially created by Capgemini and an Indian TV media partner.

In 2015, the concept evolved and gained international recognition in Capgemini’s 6 key markets:
India, France, Brazil, the UK, the Netherlands and the US.

To strengthen Capgemini employer’s brand image among young graduates, while showcasing the brand as a leading BtoB consultancy brand, students from across the world were asked by global brands to develop solutions to real life business challenges. In fact, 6 Capgemini clients put forward real business challenges.

“Innovators Race” is a tech show where students can propose innovative and sustainable solutions which will then be developed in the San Francisco Capgemini Innovation lab in addition to a cash prize of $25 000.

The Strategy

The idea was to celebrate the values and spirit of Capgemini, the brand being the synergy between people and technology. Capgemini had to show off its great “Owned” through “Innovators Race”.

“Innovators Race” gave the opportunity to the winner to meet and accelerate its professional career by intimately engaging with global brands and technology experts from Capgemini.

To embody the Innovative stance, Capgemini’s developed its unique web TV series about innovation.

To amplify the “Innovators Race” visibility and Capgemini’s image and legitimacy, the brand teamed up with media owners to create strategic partnerships.

Exploring synergies between online and offline media, Capgemini fostered a connection between social media and TV. By associating the brand to an international media network “CNN International”, creating complementary content around tech innovation.

The Implementation

The campaign took place over 8 months, from October 2015 to May 2016, leveraging online and offline media for optimal visibility and interaction.
Initially Capgemini created strong partnerships with leading universities to recruit teams of students to take part in the program. Additional anticipation during the lead up the program also took place on social networks: Facebook and LinkedIn to recruit teams.The teams were then invited to post a pitching video on the “Innovators Race” website.

Nearly 10,000 students applied. Targeted users on Facebook were exposed to a post and invited to vote online for their favorite team. After the team selection, challenges were filmed in different locations around the world to be showcased on social media and on a dedicated hub created in partnership with “CNN International”, for 6 weeks. Video views on the website were also maximized
thanks to retargeting.

In parallel “CNN International” created a unique program called “2020 Visionaries” an idea that brings together innovators and ideas that will shape our world in 5 years’ time. To further the program with Capgemini innovators, CNN visionaries interviewed the participants. To amplify the partnership, a co-branded TV and online promotion were developed to drive traffic on the
dedicated hub, offering additional content.

The Result

The “Innovators Race” went beyond traditional sponsoring delivering an inspiring and extremely effective cross channel media presence that generated global press coverage and exceptional levels of awareness.
Over 900 000 page views were recorded on the dedicated platforms for an average time spent of 2 minutes per session.

Over 63 million impressions delivered, 4M videos watched online that represent35 800 hours of video watched and 150 000 social actions.
1 621 TV branded and co-branded spots broadcasted with 46% on prime time in relevant programs on “CNN International”.

After conducting a post-test survey the campaign generated 45% recall on CNN heavy viewers across Europe and 67% of the ad re-callers have a perception improvement of the brand.

The global brands that provided challenges were also very satisfied with the disruptive approach brought by Capgemini and the media exposure they got.
Finally, let’s not forget Team Technetium from India, who won the series!
Another positive result is that the campaign is being reconducted in 2017 in an evolved way with “Innovators Race 50”, focusing on start-ups.