Sustainability Policy

The World Media Group is a virtual organisation and therefore we support many sustainable practices through our structure. We are committed to promoting sustainability and have identified four areas where we can make an impact.

Sharing Best Practise

  • Ensure we share best practices with WMG members, Advisory Board members and our clients. Although we do not claim to be ESG specialists we aim to provide a hub for knowledge sharing and encouraging sustainable marketing practices amongst the WMG community.


  • To ensure all of our venues have an ESG policy in place
  • We will continue to favour suppliers that have strong social enterprise/sustainable credentials.
  • Source physical materials made from recyclable components
  • Ensure our events are paperless where possible
  • Encourage our speakers/attendees to use public transport and where possible to offer a virtual option to limit the travel needed
  • Acknowledging, supporting and rewarding sustainable marketing practices through our World Media Awards


  • Reduce the need for our staff to travel, but when it is required to maximise the use of public transport where possible and promote car sharing


  • Continue to ensure we optimise our SEO rankings
  • Ensure the content we provide on the website offers value to users
  • Continue to only use images and videos where they genuinely add value to the user

The World Media Group will aim to follow and to promote good sustainable marketing practices through the four areas stated above, as well as continue to look at other areas where we can make an impact in the future.