January 21, 2025
We were delighted to have Anne McElvoy, Executive Editor and Head of Audio at POLITICO as our host for the World Media Awards 2024. At the start of the evening, Anne conducted an exclusive on-stage interview with Joanna Carr, Head of Current Affairs for BBC News. Jo oversees the BBC’s Panorama and BBC News’ Long Form Audio department. She is also the Commissioner for network TV Current Affairs for BBCs 1, 2,3 and iPlayer.
You can watch their fascinating discussion about the challenges journalists (and marketers) face when it comes to crafting storytelling that has the power to cut through the noise. Anne uncovers how Joanna identifies stories she knows will resonate with an audience, how she develops the hook to bring that audience in, and how she finds the angle to tell the story from the most engaging perspective. We highly recommend watching the full 20 minute session. Here are some of the highlights and themes that Anne and Jo cover:
02:50 Anne and Jo discuss the changes to commissioning in recent years and why long-form is still an important way to engage audiences.
05:20 Anne asks Jo the secret to creating a good story that will engage audiences and the difference between telling a story and highlighting an issue. Jo talks about Jamie Roberts’ Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods documentary, and the modern take and unique insight it brings.
09:40 Anne asks Jo whether strategy or gut instinct is the key to commissioning a successful programme. Joanna talks about different objectives, from commissioning projects to reach a broad mainstream audience to commissioning projects that build and support reputation, and reveals a surprise sleeper hit.
13:40 Anne asks Joanna to talk about her misses. Joanna recounts the times when an idea just hasn’t worked and what she’s learned from that.
15:30: Joanna shares her favourite quote from Powell and Pressburger about the magic of creativity.
15:50 Anne asks Joanna about the use of newer forms of media such as TikTok, and whether short-form content is eating long-form. Joanna finishes with a brilliant story about the BBC’s political editor Chris Mason’s surprise Instagram Reel success.