Interview with Thibaut Portal

December 11, 2018

Thibaut Portal, Global Media Hub Leader for Pernod Ricard, discussed his thoughts on the future of content-led marketing ahead of his involvement with the World Media Awards 2019 as one of our jurors.

WMA: Why do you think it’s important to benchmark and celebrate great international advertising strategies?

TP: Getting inspired, sharing great ideas, telling stories and rewarding the hard work of individuals are the most exciting part of our industry.

WMA: As a Judge, what are you hoping to see in the entries to the World Media Awards?

TP: Ideas or strategies that directly impact in a tangible way the business of a company by opening new business streams.

WMA: For brands in the luxury, lifestyle & fashion sector, what are the particular challenges when targeting an international or cross-border audience?

TP: It is a pure global to local challenge: being able to inspire globally and at the same time engage locally, with consumers having different behaviours, life codes, usages and perceptions.

WMA: For entries in this category, are there any particular elements you would expect to see in a winning entry?

TP: Excellence in consumer journey management.

WMA: Why do think there has been a growth in content-led advertising communications?

TP: Consumers are increasingly looking for meaningful communication and content. Brands are requested to have a “social” role and meaning. Content tells stories and consumers want to hear stories.

WMA: What do you think are the most important factors to consider when creating content-led advertising?

TP: The most important factor is the added value provided to the consumer, ie. Answering the question: Is my content bringing something useful for my consumer?

WMA: What do you think is the key to truly engaging content?

TP: Authenticity and transparency. Commitment and action.

WMA: How do you measure success when it comes to content-driven advertising?

TP: Its resonance among consumers: this can be approached and measure through social listening.

WMA: What is the killer question an agency / media owner should ask a client to ensure that their content brief is fit for purpose?

TP: The question would “What is your consumer insight?”

Too often this question is not well covered nor thought through.

WMA: What advice would you give a brand about to embark on a branded content campaign that needs to work in multiple countries or regions?

TP: Make sure your content brings value to your consumers.

WMA: How do you balance planning and implementation of cross-border campaigns between “local” and “head” office?

TP: Head office enables to consolidate and bring coherency across many activated markets. Local is fine-tuning and adapting strategies, in close contact with local activations/commercial and sales plans.

WMA: What do you need to look for in your media partner[s] when planning an international content-driven advertising strategy?

TP: Local relevancy and local cultural fit. Diversity of teams.